Sunday, October 27, 2013


It's really been almost two months since I posted anything here on my blog. That's just ... well, that's just awful. Things have been a bit out of sorts over the last several weeks, but I'm back on the trail again. 

I have several projects in the works at the moment and all of them are very exciting. 

My book, Starting Over, is still set for release on December 31. I'm so excited! There are not words to describe the feelings I have for the debut of my first original fiction novel. 

Well, that's not true, there probably are words, I just don't have them.  

I will be joining the wonderful ladies at The Writer's Collective soon as a new member of the leadership team. This is an honor that I am blessed to hold. The ladies with this organization have helped me to grow as a writer in ways I never could have without them. 

As a member of The Writer's Collective I will also be heading up a new round of Workshops. The team will be working on a Sci-Fi novel by a wonderful author from the UK. I can't wait to get started! 

If you haven't any idea about the great work going on at The Writer's Collective check out their webpage at: 

Believe me, this a great place to find support, advice, and guidance for your writing. You won't find a better bunch of women. 

NaNoWriMo is beginning in just a few days and I have signed up. This will be the first time I've done the November NaNo. I participated in the Camp NaNoWriMo this past summer. It was a great experience! 

I didn't reach my goal, but that's okay. Perseverance. That's what gets the job done. Isn't that what we learned from the tortoise? 

Anyway, I've set my mind to it and I'll be working on the next book in The Shephard Series which begins with Starting Over. 

The next book is a continuation of the series but will focus on two different characters, Caleb Jameson and Lily Richards. We met both these characters in Starting Over as they are an integral part of the family dynamics occurring in that story. Their story is tentatively titled New Beginnings. I'm pretty set on that title but I like to hedge my bets. 

There are several books planned to be a part of The Shephard Series and I look forward to bringing them all to you. 

I believe that's all for now. 

Until next time ...
