Sunday, December 22, 2013

While fumbling around on the internet working on that social media thing I talked about in an earlier post I found an article I thought was pretty interesting about writing historical fiction. And as I'm currently working on a story that has a historical setting, although not an actual historical fiction work, the article seemed significant.

I'm an avid reader of historical fiction. I love it in most all its forms. My favorite are those set in Scotland, the Highlands preferably. Though I enjoy a well written Renaissance as much as the next person. Oh, let me be completely honest, as long as it's well written I will read just about any fiction genre. I do agree with the author of the article, in that, although I love historical fiction, I want fictionI don't enjoy sitting down with an accounting of some epic battle from any era or an important historical figure's biography. As the author of the article states, and I agree, that's called research. 

When I read I'm looking for escape, no matter the genre. I want to become so enthralled with a story that I'm literally drawn into what's happening to the characters. The story should feel real, as though the events are occurring all around me no matter whether they're flying an X-wing fighter into battle against the Death Star, foolishly waving a wand at a feather while saying Wingardium Leviosa, or wielding a broadsword and targe. I want to believe what's happening. 

That's a paradox isn't it? Searching for escapism while expecting realism in fiction. Maybe, but still, it's what I look for in good fiction whether historical or contemporary. I don't think I'm alone in that desire. 
