Monday, January 20, 2014

Back it up!

I subscribe to several blogs on writing as I think probably many of us do in effort to keep up to date with our craft. One which I truly enjoy is The Blood-Red Pencil. As I've recently had this very conversation with a fellow author I found the advise that Kim Pearson gives in this post invaluable.

After you lose hours upon hours of work is too late to remember to back it up. I'm sure you've been in a situation where you lost at least part of your work for one reason or another. I know I have, and I didn't like it one little bit. It's a scary and frustrating place to find yourself. The old saying of 'don't put all your eggs in one basket' also applies. Not only back up your work, but do so in multiple places.

So, moral of the story? Save often and in multiple places.
